military barracks NOW
Fight for a government worker, peasant, indigenous and popular
The march began on May 5 that come in Cuernavaca Zocalo today is further proof of popular surfeit: is up to the mother of course Bloody undertaken by Calderón's PAN government . Workers, women, indigenous people, teachers, students, unemployed youth, artists, intellectuals and ordinary people express this great militant march their decision to fight and put a up here! a repressive policy behind the empty fanfare of an alleged "crime." 40 000 confirmed dead are the pathetic murderers roam the streets terrorizing the local population not to protest to the economic and social catastrophe that destroys the basic conditions of well-being of our people.
revolutionary socialists we sympathize with the deep feelings of dissatisfaction among parents and Javier Sicilia claiming just punishment for the murderers of their children. Also shouted to all who require the military return to their barracks . But Calderon, the PAN and the PRI accomplice will go after this march and the deaths of innocents will continue the next day.
Therefore it is necessary to prepare a test of strength that can shake even put into crisis this government unresponsive to popular clamor demands NO MORE BLOOD.
Prepare a national strike next step is the workers, citizens, the people must undertake municipal thick. Only she will achieve our goals.
Let's start to agitate, propagandize, speaking at conferences, rallies, demonstrations nationwide strike is the next step of this popular river it is up to the mother's blood during Calderón.
The Socialists are confident that working people, with allies of all oppressed and exploited of Mexico, are the forces necessary to accomplish this task of national health is urgent: to make our country a independent nation, truly democratic, egalitarian, and linked with the struggles of the peoples of Latin America and the world.
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