Sunday, May 8, 2011

How To Remove Bayliner Seats

Rebeca Jiménez Javier Sicilia in the Zocalo (full speech)

Sicily in the Zocalo: radical change or electoral boycott *

Javier Sicilia *
In his speech at the Zocalo of Mexico City, at the end of March for Peace with Justice and Dignity, which began on Thursday, 5 in Cuernavaca, the poet Javier Sicilia poses a challenge: either the all-country citizens , their political, governmental and social, is committed to a new social-peace, justice and dignity as premises, or sink in a fracture of unpredictable consequences. It also notes that the movement that drives it has among its objectives to put the political class and the authorities with a dilemma: either there is radical change in Mexico or "no longer accept an election or, in any case," the elections of 2012 will those of shame. " We transcribe here the full speech of the poet, contributor to the Process.
Perhaps it was to become completely in a time of hardship. But maybe not yet, not yet, in spite of the immense need, despite all the suffering, despite a nameless pain, despite the absence of peace in increasing progress, despite the growing confusion. Heidegger

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(our) weight is (our) love wherever you are (we) take, it is he who takes us. (That) gift from (we) swells and elevates us: (us) we burn and go. * San Agustín

Diacurso of Sicily.
We arrived on foot, as did the ancient Mexicans, to this place where they first beheld the lake, eagle, snake, cactus and stone, the emblem that founded the nation and has accompanied the people of Mexico over the centuries. We come to this corner where Tenochtitlan-ever inhabited this corner where the state and church are built on the foundations of a past rich in lessons and where the roads meet and diverge, "we have come here to go to make visible the roots of our nation for their nakedness, nudity accompanying the word, which is silence, and the painful nakedness of our dead, to help us light the path.
If we walked and we came so quietly, it is because our pain is so big and so deep, and the horror of coming so immense that words no longer have what to say. It's also because through that silence we say and we say to who are responsible for the security of this country, we do not want one more death because of the growing confusion that seeks only to asphyxiate, and choked the breath and life of my son Juan Francisco, Luis Antonio, Julio Cesar, Gabo, Maria del Socorro, the commander Jaime and many thousands of men, women, children and old people killed by a disdain and meanness that belong to worlds that are neither will ever be ours, we are here to tell us and tell them this pain of the soul in the bodies do not turn into hate and more violence, but a lever to help us restore the love, peace, justice, dignity and democracy that are faltering lost, to tell us and tell them that we still believe that the nation may be reborn again and out of its ruins, to show the lords of death that we are standing and did not relent in defending the lives of all children and daughters of this country who still believe it is possible to rescue and rebuild the social fabric of our towns, neighborhoods and cities.
If we do this we can only pass on to our boys, our girls and our children a house full of helplessness, fear, laziness, cynicism, brutality and deception, where reign the lords of death, ambition, and inordinate power of complacency and complicity in crime.
Every day we hear horror stories that hurt us and make us wonder: When and where we lost our dignity? The misgivings are interspersed over time to warn us that this house is inhabited by the horror of our parents, but it is, not the Mexico of our teachers, but it is, not that of those who offered the best of their lives to build a more just and democratic, but it is, this house where the horror is not the Mexico of Salvador Nava, Heberto Castillo, Manuel Clouthier, men and women of the mountains South-of Mayan indigenous peoples enshrine his word to the nation-and many others who have reminded us of dignity, but it is, not for men and women who rise every morning to go to work and honestly to support themselves and their families, but it is, not the of poets, musicians, painters, dancers, of all the artists that reveal the human heart and move us and unite us, but it is. Our Mexico, our home is surrounded by greatness, but also cracks and abysses which expand by neglect, complacency and complicity have led us to this terrible devastation.
are those cracks, those wounds open, not the greatness of our home, we also forced to walk up here, weaving our silence with our pain, to tell them straight in the face they have to learn to look and listen, you should name all our dead, those evil crime that has killed three ways: depriving them of life, criminalizing them and burying them in mass graves in an ominous silence that is not ours, to tell you that with our presence we are naming this infamous reality you, the political class, the so-called powers that be and his sinister monopolies hierarchies of economic and religious powers, governments and police forces have denied and want to continue to deny. A reality that criminal, in his madness, allies seek to impose their omissions, they hold some form of power.
We assert here that no longer accept an election before political parties do not clean its ranks of those who, masked in the law, are in collusion with crime and are tied to the state and co-opted to use tools to erode this the same hopes of change of the citizens. Or where were the parties, mayors, governors, federal officials, army, navy, churches, conferences, business, where we were when the roads and all roads leading to Tamaulipas became traps death for men and women helpless to our migrant brothers in Central America? Why our authorities and the parties have agreed that in Morelos and in many Mexican states governors publicly identified as accomplices of organized crime remain unpunished and continue on party lines and sometimes in government jobs? Why let Members of Congress organized to hide a fugitive from justice, accused of having ties to organized crime and put him to the site that should be the most honorable of the country because it resides plural representation of the people and end up giving jurisdiction and then accepting their shameful criminal reality in two sketches? Why is it allowed President of the Republic and why he decided to throw the army into the streets in a senseless war that has cost us 40 000 victims and left millions of Mexicans fear and uncertainty? Why is it tried to pass, behind the public, a security law that requires now more than ever a wide reflection, discussion and consensus citizen? The National Security Act can not be reduced to a military matter. Taken as is and will always be an absurdity. Citizenship does not have to keep paying the cost of inertia and inaction of Congress and their blackmail times become banal administrative and political calculation. Why alienate your vision parties, prevent and block political reform legal instruments that allow citizens to a dignified and efficient representation to control all forms of abuse? Why she has not included the recall and the referendum?
These cases, there are hundreds of the same or more serious, make it clear that political parties, the PAN, the PRI, PRD, PT, Convergence, New Covenant, the Beehive, Green, have become on a party-of which emanate from the leadership ranks of the nation. In all there are links to crime and mafias along and across the nation. Without an honorable cleaning its ranks and a total commitment to ethics policy, citizens will have to ask at the next election why cartel and why we will have real power to vote? Did not realize that this is piercing and humiliating the most sacred of our republican institutions, which are destroying the will of the people that brought harm than good where are today?
Political parties undermine our republican institutions, rendering them vulnerable to organized crime and submissive to the big monopolies, make a modus vivendi impunity and make citizenship hostage to the violence.
With the advance of the underworld linked to drug trafficking, the Executive assumed, along with most of the so-called political class, there are only two ways to deal with this threat: administering it illegally as it used to be and is done in many places or waging war with the army in the streets as it is today. It ignores the fact that the drug is a historical phenomenon that decontextualized the religious world he served, and now before the market and its consumption, should and must be treated as a problem of urban sociology and public health, and not as a criminal matter to be confronted with violence. This adds more suffering in a society that celebrates the success, money and power as absolute assumptions to be conquered by any means and at any price.
This climate has been fertile ground for the crime that has become flat charges, kidnapping, robbery, human trafficking and complex enterprises for the absurd crime and appropriate economic model to always have more at the expense of everyone.

* This, already terrible, U.S. policy is added. Its market millionaire drug use, its banks and money launderers, with the complicity of our own, and industry-more lethal weapons, by forceful and expansive, that drug- whose weapons come to our land, not only strengthen the growth of criminal groups but also provide a huge capacity of death. The United States has designed a security policy whose logic depends mainly on its global interests where Mexico has been caught. * How

restructure this reality that has put us in a state of national emergency? It is a challenge rather than complex. But Mexico can not continue simplifying and less allow this to deepen further its internal divisions and we do almost inaudible fracture to the beat of our hearts that is the heartbeat of the nation. That's why I say it is urgent that citizens, governments of the three orders, political parties, peasants, workers, Indians, scholars, intellectuals, artists, churches, businesses, civic organizations, make a pact, that is, a fundamental commitment to peace with justice and dignity, that allows the nation to rebuild their land, a pact that we recognize and accept our various responsibilities, a pact that would allow our boys, our girls and our children back their present and future, stop being the victims of this war or the reserve army of crime.
It is therefore necessary that all governments and political forces of this country realize they are losing the representation of the nation that emanates from the people, ie citizens and which today we are gathered in the zocalo of Mexico City and other cities.
If they do, and insist on his blindness, not only the institutions will be empty of meaning and dignity, but the 2012 election will be to shame and a disgrace that will make deep pits where, as in Tamaulipas and Durango, are burying the country's life.
We are therefore at a crossroads with no easy out, because the soil in which a nation flourishes and the tissue in which the soul expresses are undone. For this reason, the pact that convened after collecting many proposals of civil society, and read at a time when Olga Reyes, who has suffered the murder of 6 family, is a pact that contains six key points that will enable civil society timely monitor compliance and, in the case of treason, punish those responsible for these betrayals, a pact signed in the center of Ciudad Juarez, the most visible face of national destruction, in the face to the names of our dead and filled with a deep sense of what it means peace with dignity.
Before it known, let's silence over 5 minutes in memory of our dead, surrounded by society and a state crime ignored, and as a sign of unity and dignity of our hearts that calls everyone to refound the nation. Let us do so because the silence is the place where it collects and flows real word, is the profound depth of meaning, is what unites us amidst our pain, is this common ground that no one inside and owns and that if we listen, the word can be born that will allow us to say again with dignity and a just the name of our home: Mexico.


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