No Blood +
Calderón Out!
Lining the Zocalo Capital
Revolutionary Action Group
This Sunday broke the base of Mexico City in a mobilization that not only showed his strength, to depart from the city of Cuernavaca and also cross over half of the nation's capital on foot, but total ad nauseam by the nightmare that is the government of Felipe Calderón. It was a defiant response to Calderon prior to initiating the mobilization was proud not to return any military to their barracks despite the voices "malicious intentions or demanding an end to the war." The march stepped on
los discursos y la verborrea que justifica una guerra contra el pueblo en la defensa de los intereses del imperialismo estadounidense. Haya sido en silencio o a los mil gritos que desgarraron hasta al mismo aire, la idea durante la movilización fue clara: el fin de la guerra de calderón. Por supuesto que esto no se vio reflejado en los titulares de la mayor parte de los medios al servicio del Estado que, contraviniendo lo anterior, se atrevieron a caracterizar la movilización como un mero "cambio de estrategia"; lo que no necesariamente pasaría ni por lo más esencial para desbaratar del episodio bélico del Estado contra el pueblo: el retorno de las fuerzas armadas a los cuarteles.
Sin confusión
El May 8, 2011 was anything substantially, greatly, August 30, 2008 when "enlightened Mexico", or the first "white march" convened by the church and the most recalcitrant of the national bourgeoisie protected under the motto of 'society civil, not to defend the security of citizens, but to claim the military state that eventually reached.
Miranda Wallace, of Mexico United Against Crime, who want anyone questioning the military in its actions, it belongs to the sector of the national bourgeoisie Amnesty International accused of collusion with drug traffickers for demanding the return of military barracks, also headed the mobilization on Sunday. Calderon has consistently used the pretext of past demonstrations called by these people and their organizations, to increase military presence in the streets "because that would achieve the peace that civil society demands."
But the main danger to the peace of each day is represented by the "easy trigger" of the army and its complicity with the police, immigration and intelligence services and repression in drug trafficking. Even the murder of the son of Sicily has highlighted the responsibility of the judiciary, police and government structure of the state of Morelos, mainly from the governor, who adjudica la libertad de no mover ni un solo dedo, favoreciendo a las bandas de narcotraficantes.
El hallazgo de fosas clandestinas, apresuradamente llamadas narcofosas , recuerda los entierros masivos de luchadores sociales y compañeros en Nicaragua y Colombia hechos por militares entrenados en la Escuela de la Américas bajo la tutela del imperialismo estadounidense; es exactamente el mismo estilo. Y para rematar, complementado con una Ley de Seguridad Nacional que pretende salvaguardar la integridad de las cúpulas que gobiernan los aparatos castrenses y de seguridad del Estado.
A diferencia de lo que reclama De Wallace, para establecer una seguridad y tranquilidad ciudadana es necesario acabar con el State Military and in no way claim the building.
But the participation of Mulberry, In Wallace, the Mexican Bishops Conference that just as some sectors of the Coparmex, called to join the movement, is part of a political operative of electoral agenda that seeks to focus discussion in defense of state institutions. None of them is intended to defend democratic freedoms against the abuses of the army and police. These groups seek to defend the government's election agenda, which turns into a supposed economic recovery and black precarious jobs and wages below the poverty basket. Nothing had to do there these people who represent interests diametrically opposed to the majority feeling that overwhelmed the city.
The pact, Javier bottom
Sicily has insisted that the "civil society " reach a "national compact" called by those who lead the country and asked the gunmen to return to their code of "honor" . When Sicilia said that the bourgeois parties (PRI, PAN, PRD, etc..) Officials and institutions are corrupted by the drug and they should leave, we said that the assessment is correct in general, but to get to the bottom the matter, ie to be real, not enough to require there are no more "collateral damage" as he puts it, but understand that violence is absolutely inherent to the State and its interests. We have argued the need for a strong indictment of the real causes of strengthening the ranks of the drug and the army, which has its origin in the large number of unemployed people within the country, the few opportunities that are given to young and difficult times is going the Mexican working class, among other calamities that would mean breaking with the interests of U.S. imperialism in our country.
However, the pact proposed by Sicilia is extremely contradictory. On the one hand, to agree with the same parties and institutions that have led to this terrible situation, with the government and its institutions starvation and on the other hand, what code of honor that the killers may have come into his covenant, many of them trained in the ranks of Mexican army and police forces? Groups bloodthirsty brutally hit working people. What kind of deal is that you can achieve from these fronts? In addition, the pact ignores one of the main expressions that echoed through the capital, the cry that unites most of the protesters: Calderón out! So Calderon spoke the next day, and that the pact seeks also silence those terms and seeking an escape over the disgruntled masses.
From the Revolutionary Action Group say that it is possible to reach another deal, one from below, allowing organizations to nuclear masses for the defense of democratic freedoms and to break with the accompanying agenda for Sicily, capitalist agenda and employers, and achieve independence, a fundamental without which there will be no victory. A pact to find how great an organized national meeting to discuss an agenda and be equipped with a control program to meet the government's plans, militarization and violence. To promote this event, we propose local coordination in schools, neighborhoods, villages, workplaces, promote and discuss this idea and looking for links between them standardize tasks and proposed a control program, as well as actions to continue in the local and regional. From that perspective is that call to coordinate and strengthen this struggle that has taken important steps.
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