A team of experts, comprising the Board of Inquiry composed of elements of the Honduran Air Force, Civil Aviation, the airline and several international agencies on Tuesday began work on scene to recover the engines, instruments and communication equipment apparatus accident.
The remains will be transferred to Tegucigalpa, for deposit in a hangar of the Honduras Air Force (HAF), where he served in research to accurately determine the reasons for the disaster.
DGAC According to the director, retired Gen. Manuel Enrique Caceres, we study how to make moving parts, and that access to the area is quite difficult.
La recuperación, comentó, se llevará a cabo una vez que se llegue a un acuerdo sobre la forma de acceso al lugar y el procedimiento para levantar el amasijo de hierro que dijo el impacto.
La DGAC indicó que el avión bimotor LET 410 luego de su impacto contra el suelo, dejó un rastro desviado a la posición en que se encuentra la pista de aterrizaje del Aeropuerto Internacional de Toncontín.
Igualmente, Cáceres, hizo un llamado para evitar que se profundicen las especulaciones sobre los motivos que llevaron al vuelo el vuelo comercial 731 de la aerolínea Central American Airways, a un desenlace fatal.
“Serán los especialistas en el tema quienes buscarán las luces that leads them to specify that causes affected the accident yesterday, "he said.
WEATHER CONDITIONS Possible scenarios are handled in a preliminary way, is the impact of wind on the aircraft, and that this factor could have caused the ship to deviate from the point that should be maintained to achieve proper descent and approach to the runway after landing.
also said that it will investigate whether air really tragic incident was caused by the weather, because although the country is being affected by a cold front, it was possible to land at the airport Toncontín, as reported by the National Weather Service.
However, "the impact on the earth could be another reason that might be generated in the aircraft movement and changed its direction," said the retired general, who highlighted the fact that this is preliminary information that may vary as research progresses.
After the first observations made by the Special Board in the community of the tables, located in the municipality of Santa Ana, Francisco Morazan department, it was determined that the scene was "contaminated" by the large number of people, including rescue workers, police and media.
is almost impossible to do research in the disaster zone, since the presence of residents from the area, staff, relief agencies, among others "contaminated the scene of the place."
To do this, the source requested the assistance of the police to the scene cordoned off and kept free from unwanted persons investigations. LAST COMMUNICATION
During the last contact at 8:02, the pilots Faasch Eduardo Ernesto Pineda and Oscar Mejia Benjamin Anderson, captain of the aircraft, "warned they were flying to eight thousand feet to seven nautical miles, about 5 miles.
said that it is unknown if Anderson did not implement the correct method of flight instruction, which directs and provides the information necessary to enable the pilot to fly or land when visibility is not.
In accordance with the procedures established by Civil Aviation, the airport closure did not occur, since according to the parameters indicate that there must be a minimum visibility.
The abrupt descent of 8,000 feet to 5,700 feet is one of the first research circumstances, as when the aircraft flew over the Cerro de Hula, to 8,000 feet with a "high sufficient to overcome the obstacle. "
"In this case, the reported visibility was 5 km and a ceiling of two thousand feet, which are suitable conditions for a fall and fit and proper equipment to land without any problem," he said.
But he acknowledged that there is no specific instruments "that we can indicate how much area was the wind."
also said that because the accident aircraft had no black box, investigated another type of instrument, such as tape recording, to verify what were the causes of air fatality.
Information: Diario La Tribuna de Honduras
Video: South
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