This is the case of Carolina Gámez Martín, who on 19 August she went with her husband and children of four and 18 months to check in at Manchester airport to board a Ryanair flight to Valencia. By submitting your documentation will indicate that the baby can not board the plane because the company required to carry their ID card or passport, and does not consider the bear family book as a valid document.
"Our surprise was huge because we could not understand how we might call on a domestic flight a document that our country is not compulsory until age 14, has written in Carolina complaints sent to the company and the Air Safety Agency (EASA).
As much as tried to reason with Ryanair employees there was no way the baby could take on, so her husband and her brother who was also going to take that flight, had to make the journey between Malaga and Valencia, which lasts about six hours by car.
His other son and her check in two suitcases. In one had a laptop that was stolen. The joke I came to 729.94 euros from airline tickets purchased but not used, the cost of gasoline, tolls and the laptop stolen.
now Aviation Safety Agency, in a letter dated February 1, has given reason to Carolina, as "English passengers under 14 years, domestic flights are exempt from carrying documents in any case be responsible for them the person making the journey" so that Ryanair was guilty of "unjustified denied boarding, so you must give each passenger 250 euros compensation and reimbursement of their tickets as they could not fly.
addition, the Company shall pay the travel expenses and accommodation arising from the denial of boarding.
A law itself "The problem is that it seems that Ryanair has its own law" outside of the English airline regulations, explains Facua spokesman, Rubén Sánchez. The Consumers' Association has filed two complaints against the airline for not allowing boarding to children under 14 years.
"We have two families that failure to allow the child to fly without ID had to buy tickets on another airline, pay additional costs and that Ryanair has to pay," said Sanchez, who complains that the company "takes hair "to its passengers and" the worst thing is that the Administration leaves. "
Facua The representative also shows his discomfort that the government "subsidy." Although it is prohibited to grant subsidies to airlines, it is usual that the government sign co-promotion agreements with Ryanair flights following the establishment of their cities or territories.
This is the case of the Valencian Tourist Agency, which signed an agreement that Ryanair will report to 1.5 million euros for publishing the regional tourism brand in its aircraft until 2012 or the Tourist Board of the Costa del Sol, which committed to invest € 150,000 in media promotion of the airline after it opened its base in Manchester in June.
Ryanair, lists Sánchez, "laughs users into submitting English claims ", does not usually pay compensation when there are flight cancellations, charges for check-in luggage to 25 euros when it is assumed that the transport of and is included in the ticket price and if your luggage is refused at the door shipment and must check it at the time, charges 35 euros.
In fact, a plane last week in Lanzarote was flying to Brussels was evacuated because some passengers refused to pay the excess baggage. also pay charges for ticket with debit or credit five euros each way and is forced to go with the printed boarding pass despite a English judge improperly considered the penalty of 40 euros for those who do not take this document.
Sanchez explains that more and more airlines to charge for some of these concepts, what happens is that Ryanair charges for everything. " This company is a joke in itself and unfortunately the Administration leaves ", according to Sanchez, who notes that in 2010 was claimed by Facua airline and one of the firms, only surpassed by telecommunications, more complaints.
surreal situations
Just shop around online forums or talk to an airline's frequent flyer to realize surreal situations that confront those who venture to fly the company. There are travelers who have not been able to print a boarding pass because Ryanair's website gives error messages and who they try to collect the penalty of 40 euros at the airport without it.
Still others have to get clothes from hand luggage and put it up until the plane because his suitcase exceeds by a few grams to 10 kilos allowed or did not fit into the iron cage in which travelers with packages with dimensions doubtful have to enter your luggage just before boarding.
If there is not the case in the cage, they are forced to pay 35 euros per invoice. It has even been given for travelers with suitcases that meet the size but having the handle on the side in place of the top-the cage is designed so that the luggage is placed on vertical position, have been threatened with having to pay. In nothing has served to show the airline personnel on the boarding pass that the suitcase that comes by way of example with the proper dimensions have the handle on the side.
Such is the zeal of this company that keeps carrying a suitcase of hand luggage and also a hanging bag, which is common on other airlines. "Her purse, briefcase, laptop, shop at the airport, camera, etc., should be included in the single piece of luggage permitted hand, "warns the company to its passengers. Just before entering the plane Ryanair ground staff scrutinizes passengers to meet this requirement, so they are forced to introduce anything that held in the hand, including shopping bags with the 'duty free' in the hand luggage.
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