IMPORTANT, before reading you are advised to read the four previous post.
for approval and once surpassed all stages of processing, has drawn our attention to two parcels that are incorporated in it, as ......
PROMOTION AND DEVELOPMENT COMPETITION of well as the CLASSIFICATION transport markets , laid down in art.95 , which reads as follows:
" through the Council of Ministers proposed by the Ministry of Development and the report of the National Competition Commission and the Government Commission for Economic, classified the English transport market according to market definition methodology developed by the defense policy of the English and European Competition.
The definition have no normative value, but nevertheless the analysis shall be taken into account, in particular, potential substitution between different transport modes face to establish the possibility that the same are provided in competition and orderly .................. ...
classified How transport markets?
a) .- in markets with free access
b) .- in markets with restricted access, exclusively or together with a limited number of operators, and
c) .- in markets that competition is possible, and that is reserved for the exclusive operator.
WHILE ...... the art.96 we express the new definition of, which is a public interest services, ........................ ..............................................
"are those services that the public interest operating companies would not pay if take into account only their own commercial interests , which are necessary to ensure the transport service, by any way, between different locations or to guarantee delivery on terms reasonably acceptable frequency , price, quality and universality. "
Interest Service as Europe
is defined as special arrangements in relation to competition law and freedom to provide services, subject to compliance with the principles of neutrality and proportionality, where the goal of public service is to serve the interests and the needs of its users and not their agents, ensuring regular operation permanently .
where you will know that is the European brand new concept and has come to replace the famous notion of public service, whose significance does not vary much with you we review currently
is based on the modern concept, the terminology has been created and designed by the European Union, which replaces the famous Public Service expression, and that its meaning is the same.
general interest services are service activities, commercial or otherwise, considered of general interest by the public authorities and thus subject to specific public service obligations.
" Who decides SI a mode of transportation is public interest in providing public service obligations?
According to As drafted the Bill in the art 96.3 indicates that the Council of Ministers shall, upon the proposal of the Ministry of Development, and the report of the Government Commission for Economic Affairs state level.
FROM HERE WE WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A CALL political establishment ...... indicating that ... PLEASE DO NOT FORGET THAT THE TAXI SERVICE ........ and within the total set of common transport system and the new classification the MARKETS. THE TAXI also be collected as a Service PUBLIC INTEREST. For meet all the aforementioned features item as
- the prior public utility and necessity,
- subject to the obligation to operate with regularity and continuity of the service.