Monday, December 27, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
How Plantar Warts Look While Dying
I recommend this talk about a subject that virtually no mention in the media: peak oil.
Without a class approach, for me it makes sense to talk of peak oil since it results immediately in a fight in which "man is a wolf to man." If you are really running out of oil would have to stop wasting it to manage what is a fair way, not a consuming 10 times more oil than others, not killing for oil. But this robbery case with many other subjects because not only is "blood oil", no "blood diamonds" blood coltan "," cocaine in blood, "" Blood iphones "...
addition, if all workers put our energy and time in improving the quality of life of mankind and not at the service of outside interests, serving the Capital and the State, certainly the research would be aimed in different directions to current. Capitalism corrupts any progress and what could be almost free what makes it expensive, where there is a need, create it. Meanwhile, the criminal war industry takes all investments into debt to populations with its trail of death and destruction.
On the other side and show how recent leaks, there is a total lack of transparency at all levels, both state and private. If they filter the information that we know we should take extreme caution with official statements of the oil oligopoly.
A historic example of conscience and self-organization showed the workers in the revolution of 1936:
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Digital Playground Slow Connection
(Click on the image to see what the food sponsored by the BBVA)

Thursday, December 9, 2010
Evening Dress Rentals Manila
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; FELIZ - 2011

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Extigy Le ドライバ
Any person engaged in the transport of both passengers and goods, whether terrestrial, marine and even the air, we were shocked last December to 4th , verify that the airspace was paralyzed, with POSTER NO AIR SERVICE.
The Taxi expected as usual in the organized stock exchange Taxi to the terminal T4, and I say organized because among those who attended daily at the same, keep the ethics and solidarity for the benefit the service is properly developed and optimal conditions. - because no one could forget that you get round the rules of coexistence, if we all, absolutely all of us jump, but this way as some are professional life will discover so much of our own system as the PROFESSION.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Hanging Scrrech Owl Box On Tree 20secretos/index.html
The whole video:
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
8 Weeks Pregnant No Frequent Urination
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click on the drawing |
so now we can only verify the operational and enforceable to have this Board, to carry non-binding referendum to the City of Madrid, for the strong discrepancies between all of them, does not augur a happy ending.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
How Long Does It Take For Hair To Thicken
Action section CNT union in the Complutense University of Madrid in an act of ATTAC with Carlos Berzosa (rector from UC tgalvez on Vimeo .
In the video you can see how the union section of CNT in the UCM out a banner and distributed leaflets among the audience after being presented to Carlos Berzosa in an act of ATTAC in the Circle Bellas Artes de Madrid. The pamphlet denouncing Rebalancing Plan Budget in the UCM tax and non-recognition of Fellows of collaboration as workers with rights of the university, doing work proper administrative and service staff without social security contributions.
From the blog "The Interference" we fully support their claims, which are ours, and we denounce the attitude of the public and the table called "fascists" and "provocative" to workers fighting for their rights without freed and subsidies, workers who refuse to be palm of rectors and intellectuals of the "alternative" controlled by advocates of state capitalism. Furthermore, the conflict that started the section is not only against UCM, but also against the Ministry of Education of the Community of Madrid and the Ministry of Education.
gives me panic thinking that someday they can nationalize banks and savings banks (nationalized losses, of course) so that they, or people like them, which the handle. Recall that there are currently subsidized trade unionists and representatives of leftist parties in the savings banks bailed out by the FAFA and the PSOE government FROB.
On the other hand, we know that Banco Santander is installed in the UCM as in many other public universities and Carlos Berzosa knows and approves. What dictatorship of the market is us talking?
A hug to fellow syndicalists who have had the courage to expose this type of scientific advisers ATTAC more to confront the dictatorship of the markets we say there, shut up and endorse the crisis of capitalism on workers. I have not seen any demonstrations or protests rector at the ministry, let alone outright refusing to implement the cuts they are told from above to be applied. They have lost all credibility least for this group of hardcore fans who appear in the video are not even able to let you read what it says on the leaflet. About ATTAC tell
as personal opinion I think a total naive to think that the capitalists will allow an end to tax havens and will give up their privileges. In addition, by taxing speculative transactions all you get is that capital is going to another country but, of course, is what happens when you do not want to face the capitalist power and political front. I do not want to have large fortunes to that tax. It has been enriched as you have to withdraw first. I think it is naive but, as I said before, are controlled by the alternative system.
The pamphlet can be read at: /
Indeed, the Web can be viewed as CNT has convened on 30 November at 18h CNT a rally against education cuts in front of the Ministry of Education - C / Alcalá, 30-32.
UPDATE 24/11/2010:
Contrattacando . from tgalvez on Vimeo . UPDATE 03/12/2010
My outrage grows by the hour. The videos that are posted on the website of the Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid have a clear cut in the minutes that seeks to censor 16.20 CNT action:
I find it very serious that an institution that develops says "an important work of international scope in the field the creation and dissemination of culture " use scissors this extremely embarrassing.
Tania Gálvez "
Circle The response has been this:
Friday, September 17, 2010
Costume Football Helments
During the trial, according to journalist Ramzy Baroud , said: "While he [Bush] spoke, I revisited his accomplishments in my mind. Over a million killed, destruction and humiliation of the mosques, violations against Iraqi women , attacks against Iraqis every day and every hour. A whole nation is saddened for its policy, and he was talking with a smile on your face - and joking with the Prime Minister and said that he would go to dinner with him after the press conference "... " so I reacted to this feeling pulling my shoes. I could not stop the reaction within me ... was spontaneous ". Muntazer released from prison on 15 September last year.
Terrible torture:
All I feel is to say that did for his country. I think we should feel the death of innocents in a country such as those occurring elsewhere in the world. What makes us different? Our country is the world.
And in the latter part of the interview can be seen as Muntazer, the "sectarianism" began with the invasion of U.S. proceeded to distribute the seats in the following way: "12 for the Shiites, Sunnis and 6 to 4 for the Kurds. The rest was collected as the opposition, including the Communist Party. The secretary of the PC is Shia and Americans included it in the body of government and Shiite. When we, the observers, asking "But are not you a communist? How did you like Shia? Replied, "I told the Americans as one of the 6 Shia. And, on the contrary, the Americans rounded up the Muslim religious radicals under the same umbrella. Well, then who should provide this type of governance structure? Are the Americans or the Iraqis? Before Americans disbanded the Iraqi army, including Sunnis, Shiites, know, etc.. After dissolving the army closed its eyes to the creation of militias in every game. It could be that if there was still an Iraqi army, an army loyal mixed 87-year history, would we be in the same situation of sectarian division? This was the worst mistake they could make. The Americans say it was a mistake but it was a mistake that Iraq planned to continue in a spiral of instability. "
is clear that the U.S. strategy to invade countries to sow ethnic separation but the armies are at the moment, whether national, imperial, ethnic, nationalist, always end up massacring the population and interests of people sitting in government offices. Always end up following orders cruel, not daring to oppose them. Discipline and hierarchy, they call it.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Cambridge Silicon Radio Driver Windows 7
Interview with Samir Amin . from tgalvez on Vimeo . Interview
Amortization Calculator 365/360
Talk organized by the Assembly in support of Greece in the Tabacalera June 19:
Svolis Kostas, autonomous social center (Athens).
José Luis Carretero (ICEA)
Papathomopoulos Kostas, seed, trade union Solidarity (Athens)
Disclaimer: The Institute of Economics and Self Management (ICEA) has no organic link with the CNT, but has established statutes special relationship with the union.
Talk: Economic crisis. Who wins, who loses, and social responses (1 ª part) from tgalvez on Vimeo .
Talk: Economic crisis. Who wins, who loses, and social responses (2 ª part) from tgalvez on Vimeo .
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
3d Apartment Extreme Warez
Solidarity with the strike by subway workers in Madrid! That spread!
At that time, the Government of Romanones had no choice but to yield. It was the only way to restore a social peace that had blown up in Barcelona following a small dispute at the company Ebro Irrigation and Power, a subsidiary of the Barcelona Traction Light and Power and known as' The Canadian
in The steps echo, as the strike spread and left Barcelona without power. The Government, whose sides because few people read the press workers applied the "censorship red, militarized corporate litigants and jailed hundreds of workers who refused to return to work. "Strike committees (...) operating in the city by the dozens. Many were arrested but had been laid by two three teams designated to replace them up to what is referred to the central strike committee, "said Garcia Oliver.
in an untenable situation for both companies and workers, the government finally convinced the company to give his arm twisted. The Canadian has agreed to increase wages, reinstate the strikers and set eight-hour day, plus half pay unpaid wages for the month to strike. For its part, the Government lifted the state of war, freed the prisoners and promised to introduce the eight hours for all offices, what would two weeks later. In the Barcelona bullring of Las Arenas a meeting of 20,000 workers accepted the agreement. Months later
employers organize their revenge, but the attacks did not prevent the quantum leap from the unions. This quantum leap in the form of social revolution during the Civil War, curiously again involving the Earl of Romanones, who was unable to beat the working class 20 years earlier, even with the Army. Juan Gomez Casas tells in History of English anarcho-syndicalism that when the war ended, the count returned to their lands of Guadalajara, waiting to see destroyed knowing that they had collectivized peasants . When he arrived, he found astonished that the farmland had been expanded, new operating engineering and production increased. Jeronimo Gomez was reported in April, a member of the CNT in Madrid who had taken part in the affair, got his freedom and gave it an address of their properties. April Gomez refused. Perhaps it could not help remembering Miguel Burgos, secretary of the union of tanners, killed outside his home by the Guardia Civil during that strike which had suffered so much and with whom both had been achieved.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Changing Tables For Special Needs
states considered children are not prepared to see some kind of classified information. However, more and more people consider themselves mature and responsible enough to demand transparency in all public affairs. The reality is that they hide information, not for our safety, but for the security interests of the capitalists and politicians. One example we have in this recording released by Wikileaks two months ago
This video, very strong for people with a minimum sensitivity and respect for life, showing how for the military, subjected to brainwashing in totalitarian institution like the Army, human beings are nothing more than a video game characters to be removed. Are outrageous laughter, the coldness, the manipulation of reality led to the deception. I guess they have to lie to themselves to sleep at night. And this is just a video of so many, so many other forgotten wars. How long? Wikileaks is an organization "dedicated to distribute documents, pictures and videos that have political and social significance," founded by Julian Assange
. From here, all my support to this initiatives. The other side of this video is the arrest and detention in Kuwait and a U.S. soldier in Iraq for 22 years, Bradley Manning, accused of leaking this video and many other secret documents to Wikileaks:
Friday, June 18, 2010
Blood Red Spot On Uvula
Thursday, June 17, 2010
the answer that he gave the New Economy Forum of Joseph, who wrote a commentary in the previous post, we will show what a debate and what is not. He says in his polite message this organization:
"Our organization intends to be primarily a meeting place and discussion serene and open, where no one feels uncomfortable or violent. To do this we must preserve the good ways and some minimum procedural standards. "

As we see, is a definition related to the world war.
1. tr. Quarrel, contend, argue, argue about something.
A debate is a technique of oral communication, which sets out an issue and a problem. There are members, a chairperson, a secretary and a public that participates. Not provide solutions only makes the case.
is an ongoing debate with their prejudices.
Or at 0:01:49 From minute presentation is a talk in which we are told that is sponsored by BBVA. then speaks paid by the act, a certain Don Francisco Gonzalez, to 10.44 minutes. By the way, I love that moment, "my dear friend, Pedro Solbes." Remember I asked for an interview after the event and I said no, he was no longer Finance Minister. From minute 11 to 41:41 Trichet is the talk itself. He went on what the presenter called "conversation" to the final fireworks of toast with champagne in 01/20/1930 which invited to speak to the President of the Bank of Spain, which proposes a chinchin by the euro and the President Trichet attack on a rally cloying central bankers. If someone has a particularly morbid, like me, can stand up to the time of the clink of glasses in 1:23:14.
Now let's look at another talk and discussion organized by a few mates interested in a subject, who proposed in his union (CNTFor "Le petit diable": thanks for diffusion. With media like the Internet, we do not need the lies and false media debates bought and sold journalists. With its evening we want to sell the idea that the world is a struggle between ethnic and fratricidal hatred, and that man is a wolf to man. Not so and know it. They are just the gravy.
But how economic theory can call to promote solidarity and mutual support between capitalists and competitiveness and the stampede from toil? I work 80 hours per week if it were to end hunger in the world or build sewers and pipes to improve access to drinking water. If it is to serve the New Economy Forum, politicians, NGOs mafia (there are some honest but always encourage the spirit of charity and justice not) tell me that for the minimum necessary to survive in this society.
Aritz, my ovaries are in place ... something stirred up by the nerves of rabies but I prefer to disturb me with the nonsense to be anesthetized. A big kiss.
Anna, do not thank me, I'm not Mother Teresa:) Sure you're dying to tell what these people think a real debate. Do you demand together? I think it might be necessary for us to give in a football stadium and a microphone ... Solidarity and mutual support.
"Precarioman" hey, it is curious that the word in wikipedia Forum has two meanings (among others):
Forum: "The forum is a different kind of meeting where people talk about a topic of common interest. It is essentially a technique of oral or virtual, conducted in groups, based on a general-interest which causes a "discussion."
Forum:" The Forum (in Latin, forum) was a public space in the ancient Roman cities for commercial, financial, religious, judicial and prostitution, as well as being the place where Roman citizens commonly performed their social life. "
To me the Forum for the New Economy reminds me more of the Roman Forum, is not it?
"to the very H. ......": well yes, when something goes in the media is that interested in someone.
Cristian, nerves did not allow me to say more things like, among others: solidarity with workers Marsans! Reforms Submit your asshole! Since I am a rude, is what has ...:) Yes, when we had legalized the temporary agency to be more rude reform after reform because we are squeezing more, until you reach the desired goal: the labor market and freedoms style Chinese Communist Party. Or if not, what makes Spain a pavilion at the EXPO in Shanghai? Is not it supposed to be a dictatorship, which carried a lot of people, there is no freedom? Ah ... now playing rally. Do not mind me, say I'm a demagogic. :) Un beso.