Monday, December 20, 2010

How Plantar Warts Look While Dying

Conference: The Oil Crash.

I recommend this talk about a subject that virtually no mention in the media: peak oil.

intervened in the debate in 1:09:48 minutes to say that the fundamental problem is the capitalist system, and oil before and after oil, there will exist and privileges, class, authority, hierarchies, elites, unfair and unequal distribution of raw materials and consumption if we do something to change. In a free and fair economic system, ie, libertarian communism, self-organized workers would have to manage the economy so that everyone could live in good conditions. However, now there is just waste and accumulation of property and wealth in very little hands. The idea is to cooperate, not compete, support one another and not fight crushing others.

Without a class approach, for me it makes sense to talk of peak oil since it results immediately in a fight in which "man is a wolf to man." If you are really running out of oil would have to stop wasting it to manage what is a fair way, not a consuming 10 times more oil than others, not killing for oil. But this robbery case with many other subjects because not only is "blood oil", no "blood diamonds" blood coltan "," cocaine in blood, "" Blood iphones "...

addition, if all workers put our energy and time in improving the quality of life of mankind and not at the service of outside interests, serving the Capital and the State, certainly the research would be aimed in different directions to current. Capitalism corrupts any progress and what could be almost free what makes it expensive, where there is a need, create it. Meanwhile, the criminal war industry takes all investments into debt to populations with its trail of death and destruction.

On the other side and show how recent leaks, there is a total lack of transparency at all levels, both state and private. If they filter the information that we know we should take extreme caution with official statements of the oil oligopoly.

A historic example of conscience and self-organization showed the workers in the revolution of 1936:


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