Wednesday, June 30, 2010

3d Apartment Extreme Warez

For a global and indefinite strike. Recalling the strike of "The Canadian"

Solidarity with the strike by subway workers in Madrid! That spread!

THE CANADIAN the large landowner Count Romanones promulgated the decree which instituted the eight-hour work day. Despite the historic nature of this standard, even today in many companies 40 hours a week are worthless and its expansion is an issue again in the spotlight.

At that time, the Government of Romanones had no choice but to yield. It was the only way to restore a social peace that had blown up in Barcelona following a small dispute at the company Ebro Irrigation and Power, a subsidiary of the Barcelona Traction Light and Power and known as' The Canadian

'because of their origin and nationality of its director, Fraser Lawton.
The main electricity company in the city had laid off eight workers for trying to form an independent union after seeing worsened their working conditions. "Breaking and pulling the ink pen," remembers Manel Aisa, the complete billing section went on strike on February 5, 1919 in solidarity with the dismissed workers and their list grew to more than a hundred. The staff decided to use the
National Confederation of Labour (CNT)
, union at that time claimed to have only half a million members in Catalonia. The conflict would challenge the new structure of anarcho
Catalan organized from the previous year's conference gathered union unique industries. It was time to take strike action to implement the words of the closing address of its secretary general, Salvador Seguí
: "If we excel, if we conquer our ability and we put ourselves in position to act assertive, to make against all possibilities of attack, we will be respected, cared for and we will prevail. "
Thus, the conflict took a new twist. Coordinated by a committee composed of employees and officials of the union, the strike spread to those responsible for meter reading and was raised resistance boxes 50,000 pesetas a week.
"Restlessness and darkness"
Mr. Lawton was not negotiating, plunging Barcelona into "moments of anxiety and darkness", he recalls the anarcho-syndicalist Juan García Oliver

in The steps echo, as the strike spread and left Barcelona without power. The Government, whose sides because few people read the press workers applied the "censorship red, militarized corporate litigants and jailed hundreds of workers who refused to return to work. "Strike committees (...) operating in the city by the dozens. Many were arrested but had been laid by two three teams designated to replace them up to what is referred to the central strike committee, "said Garcia Oliver.

in an untenable situation for both companies and workers, the government finally convinced the company to give his arm twisted. The Canadian has agreed to increase wages, reinstate the strikers and set eight-hour day, plus half pay unpaid wages for the month to strike. For its part, the Government lifted the state of war, freed the prisoners and promised to introduce the eight hours for all offices, what would two weeks later. In the Barcelona bullring of Las Arenas a meeting of 20,000 workers accepted the agreement. Months later

employers organize their revenge, but the attacks did not prevent the quantum leap from the unions. This quantum leap in the form of social revolution during the Civil War, curiously again involving the Earl of Romanones, who was unable to beat the working class 20 years earlier, even with the Army. Juan Gomez Casas tells in History of English anarcho-syndicalism that when the war ended, the count returned to their lands of Guadalajara, waiting to see destroyed knowing that they had collectivized peasants . When he arrived, he found astonished that the farmland had been expanded, new operating engineering and production increased. Jeronimo Gomez was reported in April, a member of the CNT in Madrid who had taken part in the affair, got his freedom and gave it an address of their properties. April Gomez refused. Perhaps it could not help remembering Miguel Burgos, secretary of the union of tanners, killed outside his home by the Guardia Civil during that strike which had suffered so much and with whom both had been achieved.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Changing Tables For Special Needs

Wikileaks and why states hide information.

states considered children are not prepared to see some kind of classified information. However, more and more people consider themselves mature and responsible enough to demand transparency in all public affairs. The reality is that they hide information, not for our safety, but for the security interests of the capitalists and politicians. One example we have in this recording released by Wikileaks two months ago

This video, very strong for people with a minimum sensitivity and respect for life, showing how for the military, subjected to brainwashing in totalitarian institution like the Army, human beings are nothing more than a video game characters to be removed. Are outrageous laughter, the coldness, the manipulation of reality led to the deception. I guess they have to lie to themselves to sleep at night. And this is just a video of so many, so many other forgotten wars. How long? Wikileaks is an organization "dedicated to distribute documents, pictures and videos that have political and social significance," founded by Julian Assange

. From here, all my support to this initiatives. The other side of this video is the arrest and detention in Kuwait and a U.S. soldier in Iraq for 22 years, Bradley Manning

, accused of leaking this video and many other secret documents to Wikileaks:
http:/ /

other news, scary this time is that the European Union Council meeting in Luxembourg, discussed the April 26th point of the day titled "Radicalization in the EU." Are we and some of us on those lists?:

Friday, June 18, 2010

Blood Red Spot On Uvula

"I'll ask who you are to avoid coming to this Ministry."

A great example of mood:

'I'll ask who you are to keep this ministry come'

Thursday, June 17, 2010

What Does The Hand Peace Sign Sideways Mean

Back to Sesame Street: this is a debate and it is not.

the answer that he gave the New Economy Forum of Joseph, who wrote a commentary in the previous post, we will show what a debate and what is not. He says in his polite message this organization:

"Our organization intends to be primarily a meeting place and discussion serene and open, where no one feels uncomfortable or violent. To do this we must preserve the good ways and some minimum procedural standards. "
Well, a debate is under RAE: " debate. 1. m. controversy (‖ discussion). 2. m. Strife, fight, fight. "

As we see, is a definition related to the world war.

" debate.
(Del lat. Debattuĕre).

1. tr. Quarrel, contend, argue, argue about something.
2. tr. Fight, fight. "
According to Wikipedia:
A debate is a technique of oral communication, which sets out an issue and a problem. There are members, a chairperson, a secretary and a public that participates. Not provide solutions only makes the case.
The condition of a 'debate' is given in different point of view that keep two or more opposing positions about an issue or problem. "
This is really interesting. Can you call "debate" to what the New Economy Forum? Where's arguments? Where are two or more opposing positions about an issue or problem? I've only gone twice but the first time I saw a man drop a roll call Trichet an hour full of vagueness and oligarchic activism and the second time I saw the president of the European employers and Mr Díaz Ferrán drop a monologue I think the word reform is repeated 40 times and defended the virtues of it in circular reasoning. Well, if this is a debate, war is peace, good is bad, freedom is imprisonment. Please devolvednos the meaning of words! From here I invite the organization of the "banquet masturbation" to revalue its activity and change the text of web page because it is missing the reality of what is happening in the halls of the Ritz.
Word Definition Reference:

Discussion m., confrontation of different opinions:
before voting on the amendment, was discussed.

Strife, fight,

is an ongoing debate with their prejudices.

This is a chat with further discussion of the Institute of Economics and Self-Management in the conference" Fall Libertarian " CNT Union:
capitalist crisis, effects on society and libertarian proposals from
Audiovisual CNT Madrid on Vimeo
. Talk of ICEA
going from minute 0 to minute 94 and then the moderator, presenter invited to discuss the ideas presented. Often the debate enriched the discussion, the complete, partial or completely refutes or qualifies. And nothing happens! Do not you die, or leave you a rash!

Now let's look at another talk and another thing that is not a debate, with written questions selected by the moderator. Note: can cause sudden desire to go to the toilet, boredom, attempted suicide in susceptible people or depressed, rebellious, like throwing a shoe, in short, do not know, a strong allergy to the manipulation of interest rates and pull the printing machine of little notes and other "unconventional measures"

Or at 0:01:49 From minute presentation is a talk in which we are told that is sponsored by BBVA. then speaks paid by the act, a certain Don Francisco Gonzalez, to 10.44 minutes. By the way, I love that moment, "my dear friend, Pedro Solbes." Remember I asked for an interview after the event and I said no, he was no longer Finance Minister. From minute 11 to 41:41 Trichet is the talk itself. He went on what the presenter called "conversation" to the final fireworks of toast with champagne in 01/20/1930 which invited to speak to the President of the Bank of Spain, which proposes a chinchin by the euro and the President Trichet attack on a rally cloying central bankers. If someone has a particularly morbid, like me, can stand up to the time of the clink of glasses in 1:23:14.

Now let's look at another talk and discussion organized by a few mates interested in a subject, who proposed in his union (CNT
) and rapporteur (anarchist economist José Luis Velasco), and is done with few resources, eager to learn and discuss:

The debate starts at minute 36.04 seconds of video.
--------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------

I'd like to answer to people who have written in previous post:

For "Le petit diable": thanks for diffusion. With media like the Internet, we do not need the lies and false media debates bought and sold journalists. With its evening we want to sell the idea that the world is a struggle between ethnic and fratricidal hatred, and that man is a wolf to man. Not so and know it. They are just the gravy.
"Citizen", indeed, all human beings are equal and have the same rights and obligations. Once we realize this, we will express our views in all contexts with the same ease. My "Bad Education" was thinking he could behave like a "discussion" of capitalists, politicians and journalists at a meeting horizontal. Big mistake! The equality is in the rhetoric and the law, and the demagogic you. A hug.

"Anonymous" truth is stranger than fiction and these meetings as "bream dialogues" (apologies to bream) will one day be displayed in a museum of the future self-managed as evidence of the absurd in which we lived in the early century, if fascism and war that prepare us failed to load it all before. Do not let them! A hug.

Rafael (Berrio), actually, I hope the 4 million unemployed people had gathered in general assembly at the plaza of the Ritz and the Stock Exchange to demand food that is spent on buying "stomachs grateful." Ah, to demand justice now called demagoguery and bad manners! A hug and get organized and fight. I certainly want to live in peace, but peace in the social he wants these people. No peace until we finish with the world's division into states and homelands (what separates me from my comrades Greek, Portuguese, Moroccan, French ...?). No peace until we remove the privileges of this political mafia-banker-capitalist-military-pharmaceutical-petroleum. I recommend a blog:

But how economic theory can call to promote solidarity and mutual support between capitalists and competitiveness and the stampede from toil? I work 80 hours per week if it were to end hunger in the world or build sewers and pipes to improve access to drinking water. If it is to serve the New Economy Forum, politicians, NGOs mafia (there are some honest but always encourage the spirit of charity and justice not) tell me that for the minimum necessary to survive in this society.

Aritz, my ovaries are in place ... something stirred up by the nerves of rabies but I prefer to disturb me with the nonsense to be anesthetized. A big kiss.

Anna, do not thank me, I'm not Mother Teresa:) Sure you're dying to tell what these people think a real debate. Do you demand together? I think it might be necessary for us to give in a football stadium and a microphone ... Solidarity and mutual support.

"Precarioman" hey, it is curious that the word in wikipedia Forum has two meanings (among others):

Forum: "The forum is a different kind of meeting where people talk about a topic of common interest. It is essentially a technique of oral or virtual, conducted in groups, based on a general-interest which causes a "discussion."
is a technique of group dynamics that is a gathering of people where it is dealt with informally or formally a current topic to an audience that often can intervene in the discussion. Usually the discussion is led by a moderator. The forum's objective is to obtain opinions on a particular topic. "

Forum:" The Forum (in Latin, forum) was a public space in the ancient Roman cities for commercial, financial, religious, judicial and prostitution, as well as being the place where Roman citizens commonly performed their social life. "

To me the Forum for the New Economy reminds me more of the Roman Forum, is not it?

"to the very H. ......": well yes, when something goes in the media is that interested in someone.

Cristian, nerves did not allow me to say more things like, among others: solidarity with workers Marsans! Reforms Submit your asshole! Since I am a rude, is what has ...:) Yes, when we had legalized the temporary agency to be more rude reform after reform because we are squeezing more, until you reach the desired goal: the labor market and freedoms style Chinese Communist Party. Or if not, what makes Spain a pavilion at the EXPO in Shanghai? Is not it supposed to be a dictatorship, which carried a lot of people, there is no freedom? Ah ... now playing rally. Do not mind me, say I'm a demagogic. :) Un beso.
Mary (Mace), add me to facebook. That the CIA was aware that we are dangerous because they think!

Toni, yes, it seems that this is the show. I guess it's always been like that, only my generation had told us another fairy tale in schools. The rights and freedoms are only achieved if exercised. The 8 hours cost a famous strike in Spain (that of the Canadian), arrested and many repressed! Who are we to throw everything overboard that struggle? A hug.

Metalkas, health and strength to the part you played!

Jose, has had a great idea. We want an answer to this question and wish to YESTERDAY. They can not answer because they would have to say that there are classes, there can be some benefits in Switzerland or a tax haven, there are others that we have to pay the M-30 Gallardón to 2,000 euros in Madrid (including babies and pensioners). If a worker was believed the story of popular capitalism taking shares in companies or taking a loan basis, it is time to wake up and investigate how money is created, who creates it and how to manipulate its value.

I love the most correct tone used by the Forum, we see that they are not as rude as I am. Now I feel say they have not managed to be the meeting place and serene and open debate. Since then at me, I am a peaceful person, I get uncomfortable and violent. I get hives thinking about how many kitchens could be organized at the Ritz while I give them. It's funny to think that for some people that can be called "debate" and "colloquy." I sorry that you hustle to justify it and say he knew the rules beforehand. That's what I said a "companion" of illegal disposal work when I criticized in my subcontracted workers. "You knew what you signed when you hired a second time" (we threw every summer), he said. Yes, but that does not limit my right to complain because there are inalienable rights which can not be waived. Thanks for asking the question, Joseph.

Denmadrid do not intend at any time be a leader. In fact, that's part of the problem, wait until a leader comes to solving life. Why do not everyone take responsibility and conscience and freedom act accordingly? With regard to converting the Ritz in jail, because I do not see even in jest, I do not like prison for anyone, not even for corrupt businessmen. What if we convert the dining rooms in social standing? What this "prison under control of social media? "" Reeducation camps "? This sounds like the Maoist cultural revolution, Siberian camps and Stalinist purges ... and I get cramps ... pufffff ... Denmadrid, is what is needed is a real debate, an argument against another without fallacies of any kind. I would suggest to members of the Forum for the New Economy that "if we fix this together" can collectivized economy dy global currar to be made, not as managers but as plain vanilla workers, like other mortals. I know not what they seem, gives me no eh? ... They do not seem very willing ... to each according to his need, from each according to his ability.