Friday, July 9, 2010

Cambridge Silicon Radio Driver Windows 7

Interview with Samir Amin . from tgalvez on Vimeo . Interview

Samir Amin, economist and director of the Third World Forum in Dakar, which was in Madrid during the conferences organized by the Reina Sofia Museum and the University Wanderer under the title "Dynamics of global crisis, movements antisystemic and new models of hegemony "between 25 and 29 May 2009.

If you detect a bug in the translation / subtitling can write (my broken English is hopeless: ))


1. Can you talk about the causes of this crisis? 0min15seg.

2. Some economists are talking of returning to the gold standard. What do you think about it ?

3. I wanted to ask also for the banks. Some critics say that banks create money from nothing. Is this true?

4. I'd like to ask about the role played by central banks in this crisis. In recent years we saw Alan Greenspan lowered interest rates. Did it help the economy and Bush's wars?

5. But why first declined, then rose and then when the crisis was in the newspapers and the people were losing their jobs, they said, "No, now we have to go down again?" Why? Why are they doing this?

6. What do you think this will lead to high inflation?

7. Sorry, could you explain this? Why is there this negative growth rates is inflation for the working class?

8. Do you think U.S. as an empire, will be replaced by China as an empire?

9. But that's what you would like to happen or what they think will happen?

10. What do you think on microcredit?

11. What do you think of fair trade? Is it really "fair"?

12. What would you say to those economists, capitalists and neoliberals, who say that this crisis is caused by government intervention, not the "free market"?

13. I'd like to ask: are you a Marxist?

14. And what is the Marxist solution to the crisis? "Nationalization?

15. And do not you think that if companies would also be nationalized, not an oligarchy, but another elite of people who could be earning that much money compared with the working class?

16. Do you think the "free market" can exist or is a kind of utopia of the capitalist?
30min 15sec.

17. I wanted to ask how is the situation of workers in Senegal?

18. You know the economic experience of the English revolution of 1936?

19. What about companies that have been taken by workers in Argentina?

Amortization Calculator 365/360

Talk: Economic crisis. Who wins, who loses, and social responses

Talk organized by the Assembly in support of Greece in the Tabacalera June 19:

Svolis Kostas, autonomous social center (Athens).
José Luis Carretero (ICEA)
Papathomopoulos Kostas, seed, trade union Solidarity (Athens)

Disclaimer: The Institute of Economics and Self Management (ICEA) has no organic link with the CNT, but has established statutes special relationship with the union.

Talk: Economic crisis. Who wins, who loses, and social responses (1 ª part) from tgalvez on Vimeo .

Talk: Economic crisis. Who wins, who loses, and social responses (2 ª part) from tgalvez on Vimeo .